DS - Asia 990,447
D - General History 314,878
DK - Russia, Soviet Union, Former Soviet Republics, Poland 257,103
DT - Africa 189,985
DA - Great Britain 181,684
DC - France, Andorra, Monaco 149,309
DG - Italy, Malta 138,125
DD - Germany 130,796
DR - Balkan Peninsula 105,535
DP - Spain, Portugal 85,499
DB - Austria, Liechtenstein, Hungary, Czechoslovakia 57,528
DF - Greece 45,243
DU - Oceania (South Seas) 32,440
DL - Northern Europe, Scandinavia 30,392
DQ - Switzerland 13,991
DJ - Netherlands (Holland) 11,283
DH - Low Countries 10,508
DE - Grecco-Roman World 6,933
DJK - Eastern Europe (General) 6,057
DX - Gypsies 3,227
DAW - Central Europe 1,088
E - United States History 2
B - Philosophy 1
C - General History 1
GA - Mathematical Geography and Cartography 1
JV - Colonization, Immigration 1
PA - Latin and Greek 1
T - General Technology 1