Table of Contents:
  • The nature of liberal education today / Barabara A. Hill
  • The sciences and liberal arts: reaching a common language / Charles M. Vest
  • The public interest in liberal education / Kathryn Mohrman
  • What is a liberal education? / Hans Mark
  • What is liberal education in a technological era? / David P. Billington
  • For whom is liberal education produced? / David W. Breneman
  • The need for liberal education / Gordon K. Davies
  • Liberal education: luxury education? / Charles T. Clotfelter
  • The conceptual clash of liberal education and public policy / John R. Thelin
  • Public purpose and public accountability in liberal education / Michael S. McPherson
  • Financing liberal learning: the role of government / D. Bruce Johnstone
  • Financing liberal education in America: public and private responsibilities / Sandra R. Baum
  • How the earthlings pay for college-a view from Mars / John Silber
  • Student loans, debt burdens, and choice of major / Michael D. Topper
  • Higher education and the path to progress / Robert H. Atwell