Table of Contents:
  • A letter to Monsieur Boileau Depreaux : occasion'd by the victory at Blenheim. 1704
  • The campaign : a poem to his grace the Duke of Marlborough / by Mr. Addison. 3rd ed. 1705
  • An ode, humbly inscrib'd to the Queen, on the late glorious success of Her Majesty's arms. 1706
  • A pindarique ode, humbly offer'd to the Queen, on the victorious progress of Her Majesty's arms, under the conduct of the Duke of Marlborough : to which is prefix'd, a discourse on the pindarique ode / by Mr. Congreve. 1706
  • Ode for the Thanksgiving day. 1706
  • An epistle from the Elector of Bavaria to the French king : after the battel of Ramillies. 1706
  • A poem upon the late glorious successes of Her Majesty's arms, &c. : humbly inscrib'd to the right honourable the Earl of Godolphin, Lord High-Treasurer of England / by N. Rowe. 1707
  • A poem upon the glorious successes, &c. humbly inscrib'd to his grace the Duke of Marlborough. 1707
  • Ramillies : a poem, humbly inscrib'd to his grace the Duke of Marlborough : written in imitation of Milton / by Mr. Paris. 1706
  • An ode to the sun, for the New-Year. 1707
  • Woodstock Park : a poem / by William Harison. 2nd ed. rev. 1706
  • Corona civica : a poem to the right honorable the Lord-Keeper of the Great Seal of England. London : John Nutt, 1706
  • The Union : a poem, inscrib'd to the right honourable Lord Marquiss of Granby, one of Her Majesty's commissioners for the Scotch union / by Mr. Vernon. London : J. Morphew, 1707