Harvard Crimson comment books,

Comment books were used to communicate among Crimson staff. Editors, reporters, and board members would record decisions, thoughts, questions, events, and criticisms, and others would respond. Only 21 of the books are from before 1950. Most date from 1970-1990

Bibliographic Details
Format: Kit
Series:Collections of the Harvard University Archives Records of associated organizations.
Table of Contents:
  • 2 Business Board comment books
  • 7 Business Board open books
  • 1 Crimson Bookshelf
  • 1 Crimson News Comic Book
  • 1 Cube book
  • 2 Cube open books
  • 1 Editorial Board comment book
  • 1 Features book
  • 5 News Board candidates books
  • 191 News Board comment books
  • 192 News Board comp books
  • 5 News Board day books
  • 1 News Board feature comment book
  • 1 News Board features book
  • 28 News Board open books
  • 2 Photo Board candidates books
  • 33 Photo Board comment books
  • 39 Photo Board comp books
  • 3 Photo Board cut books
  • 3 Photo Board open books
  • 1 Photo Board scrapbook
  • 1 Report book