Table of Contents:
  • Connecting the unconnected: towards a global access movement / Stuart Billingham
  • Regressive social policy and its consequences for opportunity for higher education in the United States, 1980 to present / Tom Mortenson
  • Meeting the US demand for talent: the imperative of increasing attainment for underserved populations / Jamie P. Merisotis
  • Inequality as the key obstacle to widening successful participation in South Africa. Why higher education is obliged to redress it / Ian Scott
  • Society, economy and access to post-secondary studies in Québec / Nicolas Bastien, Pierre Chenard, Pierre Doray, and Benoît Laplante
  • Challenges for adult access in Europe / Michael Osborne, Simon Broek, and Bert-Jan Buiskool
  • Widening participation in UK higher education: the institutional performance / Malcolm Tight
  • Student engagement to improve belonging, retention and success / Liz Thomas
  • Autonomy, legitimacy and confidence: using mainstream curriculum to successfully widen participation / Liz Marr, George Curry and John Rose-Adams
  • "I thought I knew this stuff, but apparently I don't": understanding the transition into university-level thinking / Robert Cantwell, Jill Scevak and Erika Spray
  • An argument concerning overcoming inequalities in higher education / Stephen Gorard
  • Students as experts: reflections on the 'student voice' / Neil Murray and Christopher M. Klinger
  • Australian student voice influences on wider participation policy and practice through a student union lens / Donherra Walmsley
  • The student voice in widening access to higher education in England: the case of the access agreement / Debbie McVitty
  • Social dimension a step towards a more inclusive higher education area / Florian Kaiser and Taina Moisander
  • Connecting the unconnected: towards a global access movement / Stuart Billingham
  • Regressive social policy and its consequences for opportunity for higher education in the United States, 1980 to present / Tom Mortenson
  • Meeting the US demand for talent: the imperative of increasing attainment for underserved populations / Jamie P. Merisotis
  • Inequality as the key obstacle to widening successful participation in South Africa. Why higher education is obliged to redress it / Ian Scott
  • Society, economy and access to post-secondary studies in Québec / Nicolas Bastien, Pierre Chenard, Pierre Doray, and Benoît Laplante
  • Challenges for adult access in Europe / Michael Osborne, Simon Broek, and Bert-Jan Buiskool
  • Widening participation in UK higher education: the institutional performance / Malcolm Tight
  • Student engagement to improve belonging, retention and success / Liz Thomas
  • Autonomy, legitimacy and confidence: using mainstream curriculum to successfully widen participation / Liz Marr, George Curry and John Rose-Adams
  • "I thought I knew this stuff, but apparently I don't": understanding the transition into university-level thinking / Robert Cantwell, Jill Scevak and Erika Spray
  • An argument concerning overcoming inequalities in higher education / Stephen Gorard
  • Students as experts: reflections on the 'student voice' / Neil Murray and Christopher M. Klinger
  • Australian student voice influences on wider participation policy and practice through a student union lens / Donherra Walmsley
  • The student voice in widening access to higher education in England: the case of the access agreement / Debbie McVitty
  • Social dimension a step towards a more inclusive higher education area / Florian Kaiser and Taina Moisander