Table of Contents:
  • The trace formula for compact Riemann surfaces
  • The Selberg zeta function
  • The trace formula for vector-valued functions
  • The trace formula for automorphic forms of weight m
  • The Selberg trace formula for modular correspondences
  • Development of the trace formula (version A)
  • Poincaré series and the spectral decomposition of L₂ ([gamma] \ H, [chi])
  • Version B of the Selberg trace formula
  • Version C of the Selberg trace formula
  • Selected applications
  • Some examples
  • Appendix A: Some remarks concerning the asymptotic behavior of hypergeometric functions
  • Appendix B: On the analog of Poisson's equations
  • Appendix C: Eigenvalues of the non-Euclidean Laplacian for PSL (2, Z)
  • Appendix D: Fourier coefficients for modular forms of negative weight
  • Appendix E: Some estimates related to Kloosterman sums
  • Appendix F: An alternate approach to the analytic continuation of E(z;s;[chi])