Introduction to geospatial technologies /

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Shellito, Bradley A
Format: Book
Published: New York, NY : W.H. Freeman and Co., 2012
Edition:1st ed
Table of Contents:
  • Contents note continued: 12.7 Examining Other Environmental Remote Sensing Applications
  • ch. 13 Digital Landscaping
  • Digital Topographic Maps, Contours, Digital Terrain Modeling, Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), NED, SRTM, LIDAR, and 3D Views of Landscapes and Terrain
  • How Can Terrain Be Represented?
  • How Can Geospatial Technology Represent Terrain?
  • What Is a DEM?
  • How Can You Make Terrain Look More Realistic?
  • Geospatial Lab Application 13.1 Digital Terrain Analysis
  • Thinking Critically with Geospatial Technology
  • 13.1. If Everything's Digital, Do We Still Need Printed Topo Maps?
  • Hands-on Applications
  • 13.1. Digital Raster Graphics Online
  • 13.2. US Topo Maps as GeoPDFs
  • 13.3. SRTM Imagery Online
  • 13.4. National Map Seamless Server
  • 13.5. Terrain and Imagery Examples in Google Earth
  • ch. 14 See the World in 3D
  • 3D Geovisualization, 3D Modeling and Design, Prism Maps, Google SketchUp, and Google Earth in 3D
  • What Is 3D Modeling?
  • How Are 3D Maps Made?
  • How Can 3D Modeling and Visualization Be Used with Geospatial Technology?
  • Geospatial Lab Application 14.1 3D Modeling and Visualization
  • Thinking Critically with Geospatial Technology
  • 14.1. What's the Advantage of Using 3D Design?
  • Hands-on Applications
  • 14.1. Creating Prism Maps Online
  • 14.2. Digging into Google's 3D Warehouse
  • 14.3. 3D Hawaii
  • 14.4. 3D Buildings in Google Earth
  • ch. 15 What's Next for Geospatial Technology?
  • New Frontiers in Geospatial Technology, Geospatial Technologies in K-12 Education, College and University Educational Programs, How to Easily Get Data, a Geospatial World Online, and Other Developments
  • Who Is Involved with Geospatial Technology?
  • How Is Geospatial Technology Used in K-12 Educational Efforts?
  • What Types of Educational Opportunities Are Available with Geospatial Technology?
  • What Other Kinds of Data and Software Are Available Online?
  • How Can I Use Geospatial Technology Online?
  • What Are Some Other Cool Developments in Geospatial Technology?
  • Geospatial Lab Application 15.1 Exploring ArcGIS Explorer
  • Thinking Critically with Geospatial Technology
  • 15.1. Who Owns Geospatial Data?
  • 15.2. What Do You See as the Next Frontiers for Geospatial Technology?
  • Hands-on Applications
  • 15.1. User-Generated Geospatial Content Online
  • 15.2. AmericaView and the StateView Programs
  • 15.3. Educational Resources and Lesson Plans
  • 15.4. Degree Programs and Certification for Geospatial Technology
  • 15.5. National Map Viewer
  • 15.6. Some Other Available Geospatial Technology Programs and Tools Online
  • 15.7. ArcGIS Server Live User Sites
  • 15.8. ArcGIS Web Mapping
  • 15.9. Some Blogs about Geospatial Technologies.
  • 11 Images from Space
  • Satellite Remote Sensing, Satellite Orbits, Sensor Resolutions, the Landsat Program, and High-Resolution Satellite Sensors
  • How Do Remote Sensing Satellites Collect Data?
  • What Are the Capabilities of a Satellite Sensor?
  • What Is a Landsat Satellite and What Does It Do?
  • What Satellites Have High-Resolution Sensors?
  • Geospatial Lab Application 11.1 Landsat Imagery
  • Thinking Critically with Geospatial Technology
  • 11.1 What Effect Does Satellite Remote Sensing Have on Political Borders?
  • 11.2. What If There Was No Landsat Data Continuity Mission?
  • Hands-on Applications
  • 11.1. Examining Satellite Orbits in Real Time
  • 11.2. Streaming Landsat Imagery
  • 11.3. Viewing Landsat Imagery with GloVis
  • 11.4. Applications of Landsat Imagery
  • 11.5. Viewing High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
  • ch. 12 Studying the Environment from Space
  • NASA's Earth Observing System Program, Terra, Aqua, Aura, and Viewing and Examining COS Imagery
  • What Is Terra and What Can It Do?
  • What Is Aqua and What Does It Do?
  • What Is Aura and What Does It Do?
  • How Can EOS Applications Be Easily Viewed and Analyzed?
  • Geospatial Lab Application 12.1 Earth Observing System Imagery
  • Thinking Critically with Geospatial Technology
  • 12.1. How Can EOS Data Be Used in Studying and Monitoring Climate Change?
  • Hands-on Applications
  • 12.1. MODIS Rapid-Fire Online
  • 12.2. ASTER Applications
  • 12.3. Aqua Products and the Visible Earth
  • 12.4. Aura Products and the Visible Earth
  • 12.5. Using the Earth Observatory to Interactively Work with EOS Imagery
  • 12.6. NASA Eyes on the Earth
  • ch. 1 It's a Geospatial World Out There
  • Introduction to Geospatial Technology, Geospatial Data, Geospatial Jobs, and Google Earth
  • What Is Geospatial Technology?
  • Who Uses Geospatial Technology?
  • What Is Geospatial Data?
  • What Is Google Earth?
  • What's All This Have to do with Geography?
  • Geospatial Lab Application 1.1* Introduction to Geospatial Concepts and Google Earth
  • Thinking Critically with Geospatial Technology
  • 1.1 What Happens to Privacy in a Geospatial World?
  • Hands-on Applications
  • 1.1. Industries Using Geospatial Technology
  • 1.2. Jobs in the Geospatial Field
  • 1.3. Mapping Data Layers Online
  • 1.4. Examining Real Estate Values Online
  • 1.5. Google Earth Plug-In
  • ch. 2 Where in the Geospatial World Are You?
  • Locations in a Digital World, Position Measurements, Datums, Coordinate Systems, GCS, Map Projections, UTM, and SPCS
  • What Is a Datum?
  • What Is a Geographic Coordinate System?
  • How Can Real-World Data Be Translated onto a Two-Dimensional Surface?
  • What Is UTM?
  • What Is SPCS?
  • Geospatial Lab Application 2.1 Coordinates and Position Measurements
  • Thinking Critically with Geospatial Technology
  • 2.1. Do You Really Need Printed Maps in a Digital World?
  • Hands-on Applications
  • 2.1. Great Circle Distance Calculations
  • 2.2. Examining the Effects of Different Map Projections
  • 2.3. Converting from Latitude/Longitude to UTM
  • 2.4. Using the State Plane Coordinate System
  • ch. 3 Getting Your Data to Match the Map
  • Reprojecting, Georeferencing, Control Points, and Transformations
  • How Can You Align Different Geospatial Datasets Together?
  • What Is Georeferencing?
  • How Can Data Be Georeferenced?
  • How Is Data Transformed to a Georeferenced Format?
  • Geospatial Lab Application 3.1 Georeferencing an Image
  • Thinking Critically with Geospatial Technology
  • 3.1. What Happens When Measurements Don't Match Up?
  • 3.2. What Happens When the Georeferencing Is Wrong?
  • Hands-on Applications
  • 3.1. David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
  • 3.2. Old Maps Online
  • 3.3. Microsoft MapCruncher Gallery
  • 3.4. Overview of the Georeferencing Process in ArcGIS
  • ch. 4 Finding Your Location with the Global Positioning System
  • GPS Origins, Position Measurement, Errors, Accuracy, GNSS around the World, Applications, and Geocaching
  • Who Made GPS?
  • What Does the Global Positioning System Consist of?
  • How Does GPS Find Your Position?
  • Why Isn't GPS Perfectly Accurate?
  • How Can You Get Better Accuracy from GPS?
  • What Other GNSS Are There Beyond GPS?
  • What Are Some Applications of GPS?
  • Geospatial Lab Application 4.1 GPS Applications
  • Thinking Critically with Geospatial Technology
  • 4.1. What Happens if GPS Stops Working?
  • Hands-on Applications
  • 4.1. Trilateration Concepts
  • 4.2. Things to Do Before You Go Geocaching
  • ch. 5 Working With Digital Spatial Data and GIS
  • Geographic Information Systems, Modeling the Real World, Vector Data and Raster Data, Attribute Data, Joining Tables, Metadata, Esri, and ArcGIS
  • How Does GIS Represent Real-World Items?
  • How Can You Represent the Real World as Continuous Fields?
  • How Is Non-Spatial Data Handled by GIS?
  • What Other Kind of Information Do You Need to Use GIS Data?
  • What Kinds of GIS Are Available?
  • Geospatial Lab Application 5.1 GIS Introduction: AEJEE Version
  • Geospatial Lab Application 5.2 GIS Introduction: ArcGIS Version
  • Thinking Critically with Geospatial Technology
  • 5.1. What Happens When You Don't Have Metadata?
  • Hands-on Applications
  • 5.1. Using GIS Online
  • 5.2. ArcGIS Online
  • 5.3. USGS Digital Line Graphs
  • 5.4. National Land Cover Database (NLCD)
  • 5.5. Esri TV
  • 5.6. Esri ArcNews, ArcUser, and ArcWatch
  • ch. 6 Using GIS for Spatial Analysis
  • Database Query and Selection, Buffers, Overlay Operations, Geoprocessing Concepts, and Modeling with GIS
  • How Can Data Be Retrieved From a GIS for Analysis?
  • How Can You Perform Basic Spatial Analysis in GIS?
  • How Can Multiple Types of Spatial Analysis Operations Be Performed in GIS?
  • Geospatial Lab Application 6.1 GIS Spatial Analysis: AEJEE Version
  • Geospatial Lab Application 6.2 GIS Spatial Analysis: ArcGIS Version
  • Thinking Critically with Geospatial Technology
  • 6.1. What Are Potential Societal or Policy Impacts of GIS Models?
  • Hands-on Applications
  • 6.1. Working with Queries in GIS
  • 6.2. Working with Buffers in GIS
  • 6.3. Land Transformation Model
  • ch. 7 Using GIS to Make a Map
  • Scale, Map Elements, Map Layouts, Type, Thematic Maps, Data Classification Methods, Color Choices, and Digital Map Distribution Formats
  • How Does the Scale of the Data Affect the Map (and Vice Versa)?
  • What Are Some Design Elements Included in Maps?
  • How Is Data Displayed on a GIS Map?
  • What Kinds of Colors Are Best to Use with GIS Maps?
  • How Can GIS Maps Be Exported and Distributed?
  • Geospatial Lab Application 7.1 GIS Layouts: AEJEE Version
  • Geospatial Lab Application 7.2 GIS Layouts: ArcGIS Version
  • Thinking Critically with Geospatial Technology
  • 7.1. Why is Map Design Important?
  • Hands-on Applications
  • 7.1. Powers of 10 - A Demonstration of Scale
  • 7.2. Typebrewer Online
  • 7.3. Census Bureau Thematic Maps
  • 7.4. Interactive Thematic Mapping Online
  • 7.5. ColorBrewer Online
  • ch. 8 Getting There Quicker with Geospatial Technology
  • Vehicle Navigation Systems, Road Maps in a Digital World, Creating a Street Network, Geocoding, Shortest Paths, and Street Networks Online
  • How Do You Model a Network for Geospatial Technology?
  • How Is Address Matching Performed?
  • How Are Shortest Paths Found?
  • How Are Networks Used in Geospatial Technology?
  • Geospatial Lab Application 8.1 Geocoding and Shortest Path Analysis: AEJEE Version
  • Geospatial Lab Application 8.2 Geocoding and Shortest Path Analysis: ArcGIS Version
  • Thinking Critically with Geospatial Technology
  • 8.1. What Happens When the Maps Are Incorrect?
  • 8.2. What Kind of Issues Come with Google Street View?
  • Hands-on Applications
  • 8.1. TIGER Files Online
  • 8.2. Geocoding Using Online Resources
  • 8.3. Solve Your Network Problems with Dijkstra
  • 8.4. Online Mapping and Routing Applications and Shortest Paths
  • 8.5. Examining Google Street View
  • ch. 9 Remotely Sensed Images from Above
  • Where Aerial Photography Came from, Color Infrared Photos, Orthophotos, Oblique Photos, Visual Image Interpretation, and Photogiammetric Measurements
  • How Did Aircraft Photography Develop?
  • What Are the Different Types of Aerial Photos?
  • How Can You Interpret Objects in an Aerial image?
  • How Can You Make Measurements from an Aerial Photo?
  • Geospatial Lab Application 9.1 Visual Imagery Interpretation
  • Thinking Critically with Geospatial Technology
  • 9.1. How Can UAVs Be Used for Security Purposes?
  • Hands-on Applications
  • 9.1. World War II Aerial Photography Online
  • 9.2. National Aerial Photography Program
  • 9.3. Using MSR Maps for Viewing Aerial Images
  • 9.4. Oblique Imagery on Bing Maps
  • ch. 10 How Remote Sensing Works
  • Electromagnetic Energy, the Remote Sensing Process, Spectral Reflectance, NIDVI, Digital Imagery, and Color Composites
  • What Is Remote Sensing Actually Sensing?
  • What Is the Role of the Atmosphere in Remote Sensing?
  • What Happens to Energy When It Hits a Target on the Ground?
  • How Can Spectral Reflectance Be Used in Remote Sensing?
  • How Do You Display a Digital Remotely Sensed Image?
  • Geospatial Lab Application 10.1 Remotely Sensed Imagery and Color Composites
  • Thinking Critically with Geospatial Technology
  • 10.1. How Does Remote Sensing Affect Your Privacy?
  • Hands-on Applications
  • 10.1. Viewing Remotely Sensed Imagery Online
  • 10.2. Examining NDVI with NASA ICE
  • 10.3. Color Tools Online: Color Mixing
  • 10.4. Comparing True Color and False Color Composites
  • ch.