Table of Contents:
  • Doe, B. R. An introduction to John W. Gruner. Part I. Studies of Processes relating to investigations of the Precambrian. Rogers, J. J. W. and McKay, S. M. Chemical evolution of geosynclinal material
  • Peterman, Z. E. and Whetten, J. T. Sr87/Sr86 variation in Columbia River bottom sediments as a function of provenance
  • Griffin, W. L. Formation of eclogites and the coronas in anorthosites, Bergan Arcs, Norway.
  • Hedge, C. E. Source of leucosomes of migmatites in the Front Range, Colorado.
  • Ernst, W. G. Ca-amphhibole paragenesis in the Shirataki district, central Shikoku, Japan.
  • Donath, F. A. Effects of cohesion and granularity on deformational behavior of anisotropic rock.
  • Part II. Investigations of the Precambrian of Minnesota and adjoining areas. Pettitijohn, F. J. The Archean of the Canadian Shield: a résumé.
  • Goldich, S. S. and others. Early Precambrian rocks in Saganaga Lake-Northern Light Lake area, Minnesota-Ontario.
  • Peterman, Z. E. and others. Geochronlogy of the Rainy Lake region, Minnesota-Ontario.
  • Prince, L. A. and Hanson, G. N. Rb-Sr isochron ages for the Giants Range Granite, northeastern Minnesota.
  • Morey, G. B. and others. Observations on the conact metamorphism of the Biwabik Iron-Formation, East Mesabi district, Minnesota.
  • Lepp, H. Normative mineral composition of the Biwabik Formation: a first approach. Part III. Minerals and mineralization. Smith, D. K. and Stohl, F. V. Crystal structure of beta-uranophane.
  • Sato, M. Intrinsic oxygen fugacities of iron-bearing oxide and silicate minerals under low total pressure.
  • Trabant, D. and Benson, C. Field experiments on the development of depth hoar.
  • Folinsbee, R. E. and others. Chinkuashih--a gold pyrite enargite-barite hydrothermal deposit in Taiwan