Shakespeares others in 21st-century European performance : The merchant of Venice and Othello /

The Merchant of Venice and Othello are the two Shakespeare plays which serve as touchstones for contemporary understandings and responses to notions of the stranger and the other. This groundbreaking collection explores the dissemination of the two plays through Europe in the first two decades of th...

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Beste egile batzuk: Sokolova, Boika (Argitaratzailea), Valls-Russell, Janice (Argitaratzailea)
Formatua: Liburua
Argitaratua: London ; New York, NY : The Arden Shakespeare, 2021
Saila:Global Shakespeare inverted


Stanford University

Aleari buruzko argibideak Stanford University
Sailkapena: PR3109 .E2 S535 2021