Table of Contents:
  • Catullus / Jane Wilson Joyce
  • Tibullus / Rachel Hadas
  • Propertius / Helen E. Deutsch
  • Sulpicia / Mary Maxwell
  • "Garland of Sulpicia" / Rachel Hadas
  • Ovid / John Svarlien, Diane Arnson Svarlien
  • Horace / Stanley Lombardo
  • Introduction / William S. Anderson
  • Poems. Catullus / Jane Wilson Joyce. Tibullus / Rachel Hadas. Propertius / Helen E. Deutsch. Sulpicia / Mary Maxwell. "Garland of Sulpicia" / Rachel Hadas. Ovid / John Svarlien and Diane Arnson Svarlien. Horace / Stanley Lombardo
  • Notes and Comments / William W. Batstone. Catullus. Tibullus. Propertius. Sulpicia. "Garland of Sulpicia" Ovid. Horace
  • Introduction / William S. Anderson
  • Poems Catullus / Jane Wilson Joyce. Tibullus / Rachel Hadas. Propertius / Helen E. Deutsch. Sulpicia / Mary Maxwell. "Garland of Sulpicia" / Rachel Hadas. Ovid / John Svarlien and Diane Arnson Svarlien. Horace / Stanley Lombardo
  • Notes and Comments / William W. Batstone. Catullus. Tibullus. Propertius. Sulpicia. "Garland of Sulpicia" Ovid. Horace.