প্রদর্শন 1 - 20 ফলাফল এর 57 অনুসন্ধানের জন্য '', জিজ্ঞাসা করার সময়: 0.19সেকেন্ড ফলাফল পরিমার্জন করুন
  1. 1
    Han'guk kŭndae sŏsa yangsik ŭi palsaeng mit chŏn'gae wa maech'e ŭi yŏkhal = A study on the relationship between modern Korean narratives and media /
    한국 근대 서사 양식 의 발생 및 전개 와 매체 의 역할 = A study on the relationship between modern Korean narratives and media /
    প্রকাশিত 2005

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  2. 2
    Kaehwagi sosŏllon yŏn'gu /
    개화기 소설론 연구 /
    অনুযায়ী Mun, Sŏng-suk, 1950-
    প্রকাশিত 1994

  3. 3
    Taehan Cheguk hwangsil ŭmak : chŏnt'ong kwa kŭndae ŭi ijungju = A study of Deahan Empire music /
    대한 제국 황실 음악 : 전통 과 근대 의 이중주 = A study of Deahan Empire music /
    অনুযায়ী Yi, Chŏng-hŭi, Yi, Chŏng-hŭi, 1973-
    প্রকাশিত 2019

  4. 4
    Kŭndae ŭi ŏdum ŭl ŭngsi hanŭn koyangi ŭi sisŏn : Pŏnyŏk, munhak, sasang /
    근대의어둠을응시하는고양이의시선 : 번역,문학,사상/
    অনুযায়ী Chŏng, Sŏn-tʻae, 1963-
    প্রকাশিত 2006

  5. 5
    Hanʼguk kŭndaesa ŭi chae chomyŏng /
    韓國 近代史 의 再 照明 /
    প্রকাশিত 1982

  6. 6
    Hanʼguk kŭndae munhak ŭi hyŏngsŏng kwa munhakchang ŭi chae palgyŏn : chedo rosŏ ŭi Hanʻguk kundae munhak kwa tʻal singminsŏng I = Reconsidering of modern Korean Literary f...
    한국근대문학의형성과문학장의재 발견 : 제도로서의한국근대문학과탈식민성 = Reconsidering of modern Korean literary field /
    한국 근대 문학 의 형성 과 문학장 의 재발견 : 제도 로서 의 한국 근대 문학 과 탈식민성 = Reconsidering of modern Korean literary field /
    প্রকাশিত 2004

  7. 7
    প্রকাশিত 2004

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  8. 8
    Kŭndae kyemonggi munhak ŭi chaeinsik = A New understanding of Korean in the modern enlightenment era /
    근대 계몽기 문학 의 재인식 = A New understanding of Korean in the modern enlightenment era /
    প্রকাশিত 2012

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  9. 9
    Hanʼguk kŭndae munhaksa ŭi tʻŭmsae /
    한국 근대 문학사 의 틈새 /
    한국근대문학사의틈새 /
    অনুযায়ী Son, Chŏng-su, Son, Chŏng-su, 1969-
    প্রকাশিত 2005

  10. 10
    Han'guk kojŏn siga ŭi kŭndaejŏk pyŏnjŏn kwajŏng yŏn'gu = A Study on the modern transformation of Korean classical songs and poetry /
    한국 고전 시가 의 근대적 변전 과정 연구 = A Study on the modern transformation of Korean classical songs and poetry /
    한국 고전 시가 의 근대적 변전 과정 연구 = A Study on the modern transformation of Korean classical songs and poetry /
    한국 고전 시가 의 근대적 변전 과정 연구 = A study on the modern transformation of Korean classical songs and poetry /
    অনুযায়ী Pak, Ae-gyŏng, 1965-, Pak, Ae-gyŏng, 1965-, Pak, Ae-gyŏng, 1965-
    প্রকাশিত 2008

  11. 11
    Kŭndae ro ŭi chŏnhwanʼgijŏk ŭmak yangsang : Chosŏn hugi pʻyŏn /
    근대로의전환기적음악양상 : 조선후기편 /
    প্রকাশিত 2004

  12. 12
    Hanʼguk kŭndae munhak ŭi hyŏngsŏng kwa munhak chang ŭi chae palgyŏn : chedo rosŏ ŭi Hanʼguk kŭndae munhak kwa tʻal singminsŏng = Reconsidering of modern Korean library field /...
    한국근대문학의형성과문학장의재발견 : 제도로서의한국근대문학과탈식민성 = Reconsidering of modern Korean library field /
    প্রকাশিত 2004

  13. 13
    Minjok kojo��n yo��n'gu nonmunjip
    ������ ������ ������ ���������
    প্রকাশিত 2010

  14. 14
    Hanʼguk sosŏl ŭi kŭndaesŏng /
    한국 소설 의 근대성 /
    한국소설의근대성 /
    한국 소설 의 근대성 /
    অনুযায়ী Sim, Chae-chʻu, 1958-
    প্রকাশিত 2005

  15. 15
    Han'guk kyemongjuŭi munhak saron = Unfinished project: Korean enlightenment literature /
    한국 계몽주의 문학 사론 = Unfinished project: Korean enlightenment literature /
    অনুযায়ী Ch'oe, Wŏn-sik
    প্রকাশিত 2002

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  16. 16
    Han'guk kŭndae sosŏl ŭi hyŏngsŏng kwa chŏn = The Formation of Korean modern novel and chôn /
    한국 근대 소설 의 형성 과 전 = The Formation of Korean modern novel and chôn /
    অনুযায়ী Kim, Ch'an-gi, 1965-
    প্রকাশিত 2004

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  17. 17
    Tʻal singmin ŭi yŏkhak : chedo rosŏ ŭi Hanʼguk kŭndae munhak kwa tʻal singminsŏng II = Literary field of modern Korean and the postcolonial /
    탈식민의역학 : 제도로서의한국근대문학과탈식민성 II = Literary field of modern Korean and the postcolonial /
    প্রকাশিত 2006

  18. 18
    Taehan Cheguk hwangsil u��mak : cho��nt'ong kwa ku��ndae u��i ijungju = A study of Deahan Empire music /
    ������ ������ ������ ������ : ������ ��� ������ ��� ��������� = A study of Deahan Empire music /
    অনুযায়ী Yi, Cho��ng-hu��i, 1973-
    প্রকাশিত 2019

  19. 19
    Chisik kwa sosŏl ŭi yŏndae = The association of knowledge and novel /
    지식 과 소설 의 연대 = The association of knowledge and novel /
    지식 과 소설 의 연대 = The association of knowledge and novel /
    지식과소설의연대 = The association of knowledge and novel /
    지식 과 소설 의 연대 = The association of knowledge and novel /
    অনুযায়ী Ku, Chang-nyul, Ku, Chang-nyul, Ku, Chang-nyul
    প্রকাশিত 2012

  20. 20
    Kŭndae kyemonggi munhak ŭi chae insik = A New understanding of Korean literature in the modern enlightenment era /
    근대계몽기문학의재인식 = A New understanding of Korean literature in the modern enlightenment era /
    প্রকাশিত 2007
